Single Sentence Summaries for Every Book I Read in 2023

Continuing the annual tradition, here are my single sentence 'summaries' (more like personal takeaways) for every book I read in 2023. Previous years versions: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018. Rated 5/5: Chip War Rated 4.5/5: Art and Business of Online Writing; Moral Animal; Courage to be Disliked Love or hate them, Amazon's undeniable meteoric rise [...]

Lords of War: A Visual Exploration of Military Might

This is a curation of charts and visuals that convey the state of global military power. The top 15 spenders: one of the best proxies for military strength and capabilities. And here's the top 40, better conveying the regional spheres of influence. Table of with various indicators of military strength. # Military personnel should account [...]

Single Sentence Summaries for Every Book I Read in 2021

In keeping with tradition, here are my single sentence 'summaries' for every book I read in 2021. Rated 5/5: Man's Search for Meaning, Great Game, Righteous Mind, Destiny Disrupted. Rated 4.5/5: Misbehaviour of Markets, Thinking in Systems, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, Psychology of Money, Age of Revolution, Science, Strategy, and War, Changing World [...]

Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel [quotes and notes]

Many personal finance books recycle the same content: build frugal habits, buy assets not liabilities, dollar cost average into indexes, understand power of compound interest, reframe your mindset etc. Despite this, it's no surprise they continue to capture people's attention. Wealth, greed, and happiness are timeless themes that remain on the top of many people's [...]

Commodity Price Rise Not Necessarily Inflation Warning

As we head into mid 2021, commodity prices shows no signs of slowing down. Some say this is a warning sign of oncoming inflation. Intuitively, this could be interpreted as an indicator inflation. But commodity prices and consumer price inflation (CPI) are actually a lot less correlated than what most people may think. The two [...]

Prisoners of Geography: An Indispensable Primer on Geopolitics [book notes]

Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need To Know About Global Politics, Tim Marshall, 2015 (Amazon US;Amazon Australia) Snapshot Explores the geographical dimension in geopolitics, putting key historical events into context. While geopolitics can quickly become complex, there are certainly recurring themes: access to water transport routes, natural resources etc. Familiarity [...]